Why International Men's Day is important

19 November every year is International Men's Day - a day that sheds light on critical issues faced by men worldwide. It serves as a platform to address and understand the challenges men encounter, particularly regarding their health and wellbeing.

The theme for 2023 is Healthy Men, Healthy World.

In Australia, the statistics regarding men's health paint a concerning picture. According to Movember, the leading global charity focused on men's health, the average life expectancy for men in Australia is approximately four years less than that of women. This stark difference in life expectancy is indicative of the health disparities faced by men, emphasising the urgency of addressing men's health issues.

Movember's research also highlights that men are facing critical mental health challenges. Beyond Blue, an organisation dedicated to mental health awareness, states that around one in eight men in Australia will experience depression and one in five will experience anxiety at some stage in their lives. However, men are less likely to seek help or talk about their mental health issues, leading to a higher rate of undiagnosed and untreated cases.

Furthermore, suicide rates among men in Australia are alarming. Movember reports that on average, six men take their lives every day in the country. This staggering statistic underscores the pressing need to foster an environment where men feel encouraged and supported to seek help and discuss their mental health concerns openly.

Lifeline, a crisis support service, emphasises the importance of creating safe spaces for men to talk about their struggles without fear of judgment. Encouraging open conversations about mental health and well-being is crucial in breaking down the stigma surrounding men's emotional vulnerability.

International Men's Day plays a pivotal role in addressing these issues by raising awareness and initiating conversations about men's health. It aims to challenge stereotypes and societal norms that discourage men from seeking help when needed. By promoting mental health education, providing resources, and advocating for accessible mental health services, this day encourages a positive shift towards better mental wellbeing for men.

Moreover, International Men's Day celebrates men showing up - in society, for their families, their mates and for their communities. It acknowledges their achievements, sacrifices, and the diverse roles they play. It's a day to recognise and appreciate men's positive influence and contributions while also acknowledging the challenges they face.

As we commemorate International Men's Day, it's crucial to acknowledge that supporting men's health isn't just a one-day event; it's an ongoing commitment. That’s why we do what we do. It’s vital to create inclusive spaces where men feel empowered to prioritise their health, seek support when needed, and engage in open conversations about their wellbeing.

Through collective efforts from organisations like Movember, Beyond Blue, Lifeline, 100words and many others, along with increased awareness and proactive measures, we can strive towards a society where men's health is a priority and where they feel supported in their journey towards better physical and mental wellbeing.

If you need support, please reach out to us and we can connect you with someone who can help.